Tutorials Under Consideration

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The making games with Ruby tutorial will be made next!

8 thoughts on “Tutorials Under Consideration”

  1. Thanks for your videos,

    I will donate very soon. I voted for the games in Ruby but I think that GIT will be higly interesting. I use SVN but I would like to learn GIT. I will spread the word.

    Thanks again.

  2. The series has really help me progress a language I was first sceptical about. Now I think it’s alright :P.

    A tutorial on Monkeybars I think would go down well as the whole Model, View, Controller thing can get confusing. It also gives people the chance to see how Ruby can aquire a GUI by making use of Java’s Swing and ADT though Monkeybars.

    It’s your call though of course. I’ll definately be donating once my bank details are sorted. (Stupid Lloyds).

  3. i im thinking most of the people here are beginers, it only took me 3 months to learn what i know, if you guys have absolutley no life, you can spend all your awake time coding like me, theres nothing more fun,

    Tyler, my advice, since i was a beginner not long ago, you’re ok at explaining your code, but i think you should explain the parts and other ways they can be used together even if they are not involved in your program, also you should make more examples like pong.rb, such as clicking, and the more complex aspects of the ‘rubygame’ library, for example look at windows xp-7 interface elements, are there textboxes/bars, radio buttons and track bars, what about making my own element to add to the library, or modifiying existing ones

    these are probably the best things other than ruby syntax and structure, that the people who visit this site need to learn, teach ’em as if they were going to make a career of it, as you know, there are good, ok, and shity programmers, all of them can make a program, not all of them can make an efficent professional program, so show them things like that

  4. Hi Tyler, Liked your tutorials. I was at level-0 before watching your tutorials. I see you covered the topics at cursory level which gives a feel of ruby. I like to see your next videos on ‘Making games with Ruby’.

  5. Am new to Ruby, and videos are kool.
    Easy to understand and are straight to the point.
    It really helped me to get the feel of ruby in a short span.
    The more interesting part of these videos is, they are short n sweet. Thanks so much Tyler.

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