Programming With Ruby Episode 5, Numbers

Covered in This Episode

  • Numbers
  • Expressions
  • Types of Numbers
  • Constants (New type of variable!)
  • Doing something a number of times


Hello Everyone and Welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 5,
Numbers. Its sitll presented by me, Tyler. And brought to you by

In this episode I will be talking about numbers in Ruby. I will go
over expressions, the different types of numbers, I will introduce a
new variable type called a constant, and will show you how to repeat
an action a certain number of times in Ruby.

Lets get started!

Pop open you Command prompt or Terminal and start Interactive Ruby. If
you have forgotten, just enter ‘irb’.

First item is expressions.

2 + 2 #=> 4
2 - 2 #=> 0
3 * 3 #=> 9
6 / 3 #=> 2
2 ** 5 #=> 5

expressions with variables work in the same way

x = 5
5 * x #=> 25
x ** 4 #=> 625

If you want to do math on a variable and set the value of the variable
to the result use:

x = 5
x *= 2 #=> x = 10
x -= 4 #=> x = 6
x /= 6 #=> x = 1

In Ruby there are 3 different types of numbers. Fixnum, which are
32-bit numbers. Floats, which are numbers with a value after the
decimal point. Bignums which are numbers larger than 32-bits.

5.class #=> Fixnum
0.421.class #=> Float
999999999999 #=> Bignum

In Ruby it is possible to separate up larger numbers to improve
readability in the code. Simply place in underscores

1_000_000 #=> 1000000

Lets say you are writing some code and you need to do something a
certain number of times. Use this code:

2.times do |x|
puts x
#=> 0
#=> 1

That wraps it up for this episode. If you have any questions or
comments, leave a comment in the comment box below. Or email me at

Don’t forget to donate. The button is to the right of this video.

Thanks for watching. Goodbye