Making Games with Ruby Ep. 2 – Setup


gem install rubygame



sudo apt-get install -y libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-4 libsdl-gfx1.2-dev

sudo gem install rubygame


Covered in This Episode:

  • How to get set up for this series on Windows, Mac, and Linux

Making Games With Ruby Ep. 1 – Intro


Covered In This Episode:

  • What you’ll learn
  • What we’re using
  • What I’m assuming about you
  • Why I’m teaching this


Hello Everybody, and Welcome to the first episode of Making Games With Ruby! I’m Tyler, and this video is brought to you by

In this episode I’ll be covering what you will be learning in this series, what we’re using to develop our games, what I’m assuming about you, and why I’m teaching you.

What you’ll learn

If you couldn’t tell by the title, you’re going to learn how to make games using the Ruby programming language. More specifically I’m going to teach you how to make Pong. Though Pong may sound a little simplistic, and I’m not claiming it isn’t, learning how to make Pong will teach you almost everything you’ll need to know to make any game, with out getting bogged down in game specific details.

What we’re using

Of course we’re using the Ruby programming language. To create games, we’ll have the help of the Rubygame library, which is many things including a wrapper around SDL, and a nice framework for developing games.

In the creation of this series I will be using Ruby 1.8.7-p174, and Rubygame 2.6.2. Theoretically The code in this series should run on Ruby 1.8.whatever and Rubygame 2.whatever, no promises though, since languages and libraries change.

And if you want to know about my environment, I’ll be running Ubuntu 9.10 as my Operating System, and using Gedit as my text editor. You can write and run the code on any platform you wish, but this is what I prefer.

What I’m assuming about you

So I don’t have to explain every line of code to you, I’m going to be assuming that you already know the Ruby programming language. If you don’t there are many books available, as well as my own video series Programming With Ruby at

Just reading one book, or watching my video series probably isn’t enough. I’ll be easier if you have used Ruby for a while, and are comfortable with it. This isn’t
a requirement, but it would help make things easier on yourself.

Why I’m teaching this

There are many reasons why, but I’ll talk about the most important few:

1) I love making games.
2) I love teaching.
3) Teaching teaches me something. – When you actually sit down and think about what you do, things become more concrete, and you know why you do what you do, or even see bad habits that you need to correct
4) I’m trying to make money – Yep, I’m not going to try and hide this. Some of the videos in this series will be put up for sale, you’ll be able to see them as I put out more videos.

Thank you very much for watching! I’ll see you in the next video.

Programming With Ruby, Feedback


Covered In This Episode:

  • $1000 or 1000 comments
  • Submit to Social Media


Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby, Feedback. I’m
Tyler, and this video is brought to you by

In this video I’m going to be going over what needs to happen for me
to produce the next series of video tutorials.

All links I mention will be in the video description

First things first, if you head on over to

You can vote on what the next video series will be.

So if you vote I will know what YOU want, now you need to know what I
want for the next series to happen.

I’ve had well over 1,000 unique viewers of this video series, so I
need you viewers to donate a total of $1000 before I make the next
series. This may seem like a high amount, but if only 200 people
donate $5, that is a thousand dollars.


Now, what if you don’t have the money to donate? I will be making a
post on named Ruby Video Tutorial Feedback, if 1000
people leave feedback (i.e. What they liked, what they didn’t like).

So whatever comes first, 1000 comments or $1000 will cause me to start
the next video series.

For updates on how close we are to each goal, I will be on twitter at
the account tylerjchurch and with the tag #manwithcode.

Now what if you can’t donate money, and you can’t write me feedback?
Then there is something else you can do!

  • Tweet on Twitter
  • Give a thumbs up on StumbleUpon
  • Submit to Digg
  • Submit to Reddit
  • Bookmark on delicious
  • Blog about
  • or you can just Tell a friend

And hopefully one of those people who come along will donate or leave

So don’t forget to donate, leave feedback, or submit the provided link
to social media!

Thanks for watching, bye!