Programming With Ruby Episode 16, Benchmarking

Covered In This Episode:

  • What is benchmarking?
  • Benchmarking
  • Profiling


Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 16,
Benchmarking. I’m Tyler and this video is brought to you by

In this episode I will tell you what benchmarking is. You will learn
how to preform benchmarking tests on some of your code. And after that
you will learn how to preform the more exhaustive benchmarking process
called profiling.

This should be a very quick and easy episode, so lets get started!

What is benchmarking?

Basically benchmarking is measuring how fast your code runs. Whether
that means your code as a whole or only parts of it. This can be
useful so you can optimize your code to run faster, in the places it
is running the slowest. Benchmarking is also commonly used to compare
two different programs in the category of speed, which can be a
selling point for many products.


To get access to benchmarking make sure you put:

require 'benchmark'

in your code.

The most simple form of benchmarking is Benchmark.measure:

a = Benchmark.measure do
    1_000_000.times do |i|
        x = i

puts a #=> 0.400000   0.140000   0.540000 (  0.537934)

The last number is the actual time it took to run the test.

There is also, which is similar, but adds headings and
allows you to do multiple tests. do |bm|'Test 1:') do
        1_000_000.times do
            x = 1
    end'Test 2:') do
        1_000.times do
            x = "Moo..."

# Example Output:
#          user     system      total        real
# Test 1:  0.430000   0.120000   0.550000 (  0.563787)
# Test 2:  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000775)

Then there is Benchmark.bmbm, which is exactly the same as bm, but
preforms a benchmark twice.

Example Benchmark.bmbm Output:
Rehearsal -------------------------------------------
Test 1:   0.370000   0.110000   0.480000 (  0.484865)
Test 2:   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000529)
---------------------------------- total: 0.480000sec

user     system      total        real
Test 1:   0.390000   0.090000   0.480000 (  0.477402)
Test 2:   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000529)

And that is all there is to know about simple benchmarking, on to


Profiling takes benchmarking to the extreme. It tells you how much time each part of your code is take, and all you have to do is put:

require 'profile'

at the top of your program!

require 'profile'

class MyMath
    # Don't worry about the math, just the profiling output
    # We repeat the code to make it use up more time
    def self.x_offset angle, distance
        1000.times { distance * Math.sin(angle * Math::PI/180) }

    def self.y_offset angle, distance
        1000.times { distance * Math.cos(angle * Math::PI/180) * -1 }

MyMath.x_offset(220, 50)
MyMath.y_offset(220, 50)

And from the profiling output, we can see what took the longest:

%   cumulative   self              self     total
time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
72.41     0.21      0.21        2   105.00   145.00  Integer#times
10.34     0.24      0.03     4000     0.01     0.01  Fixnum#*
6.90     0.26      0.02     1000     0.02     0.02  Math.cos
6.90     0.28      0.02     2000     0.01     0.01  Float#/
3.45     0.29      0.01     1000     0.01     0.01  Float#*
0.00     0.29      0.00        1     0.00   140.00  MyMath#y_offset
0.00     0.29      0.00        1     0.00   150.00  MyMath#x_offset
0.00     0.29      0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Class#inherited
0.00     0.29      0.00     1000     0.00     0.00  Math.sin
0.00     0.29      0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Kernel.singleton_method_added
0.00     0.29      0.00        1     0.00   290.00  #toplevel

And that is it for today’s episode!

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If you have any thing to say about anything related to Man With Code
or these videos, please leave a comment below, or email me at

Thanks for watching, Bye!

Programming With Ruby Episode 15, Error Handling

Covered in this Episode:

  • What are errors
  • What is error handling
  • begin…end
  • rescue
  • ensure
  • raise


Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 15, Error
Handling. I’m Tyler and this video is brought to you by

In this episode you will learn what exactly errors are, and what error
handling is. You will also be learning how to use the begin…end,
rescue, and ensure keywords, as well as the raise method.

Lets get started!

What are Errors?

There are two types of problems with programs. #1 is bugs, and #2 is
errors. You’ve most likely heard of both of these types of problems
before. But what are they?

Bugs are more subtle problems, the program still runs and acts
normally, but it may be outputting the wrong data, or messing
something else up. It is completely up to the programmer to find these

Errors actually stop the program from running, or at least running all
the way through. There are ways of handling most types of errors,
which you will be learning about in this episode.

What is error handling?

It is possible to catch some types of errors, which when left alone,
would otherwise result in your program crashing.

Error handling is the process of catching those errors, and usually
doing something about them, like informing the user, or executing on a
contingency plan.

There are many things that can create errors, such as trying to read
from a file that doesn’t exist, a user entering bad data, trying to
call a method that does not exist, and the list goes on.

Some errors you can combat by using methods like File.exists? to check
if a file exists before trying to open it. But there are other cases
where this is not an option, or where you prefer to handle the problem
a different way. In this episode I will show you how.

Real Code

Error handling starts with the begin…end block which looks like this:

    # Code here

In that block is where you put the code that has the possibility of
generating an error. That block in itself doesn’t do anything, to
actually handle the errors, you need to use the rescue keyword.

    # Possibly error inducing code here
    # What to do if an error happens

What ever is between “rescue” and “end” will be executed if an error
occurs. But what if you have the potential for multiple errors? Then
you must use multiple rescues specifying the error the handle:

    # Possibly error inducing code
rescue ArgumentError
    # If ArgumentError is raised
rescue NoMethodError
    # If NoMethodError is raised

What if you don’t know the exact name of the error? Either create the
error yourself and look at the output when the program crashes. Go to and find all classes ending Error. Or consult

Now lets say you want something to happen regardless of whether or not
the code generates an error. Say maybe you have to close a file, or
end your connection to a database. Then you would want to use ensure!

    # ...
    # ...
    # This gets executed no matter what

Now that you know how to handle errors, how do you go about raising
errors of your own? With raise, of course!

def mymethod data
    if data.is_malformed?
        raise ArgumentError

Why would you want to do this? It can serve as a better reminder to
you or other programmers using your code that what they were doing is
wrong. This can help stop bugs.

This brings us to the end of the episode.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about anything
related to Man With Code or these video tutorials; Please leave a
comment below, or email me at

Do not forget to donate. A lot of time and hard work went into making
these. If you liked these videos the best way to show your
appreciation is by donating.

Thanks for watching, goodbye!

Programming With Ruby Episode 14, YAML

Covered in this Episode:

  • What is YAML
  • Why should you use YAML?
  • Storing Data


Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 14,
YAML. I’m Tyler and this video is brought to you by

I will start off this episode telling you what YAML is and why you
should be using it. I will then be showing you how you can store
objects and various assorted other kinds of data using YAML.

Without further delay, lets get started!

What is YAML?

YAML stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language. In the most basic sense it
is a way of storing data for later use.

Why should you use YAML?

Lets say you are writing a game, you could save your players progress
to a YAML file. Or if your writing an application with many preference
settings, you might save the user’s preferences to a YAML file.

Using YAML instead of creating your own text-based format creates more
portability, because other applications can immediately use your YAML
file instead of having to write their own custom file loader.

YAML also makes editing files by hand very easy to do if you have to.

Enough of all the theoretical talk, lets write some code!

Storing Data

Lets say we are writing a text editor and there are a few preferences the
user can change. We want the user to be able to set their preferences and
have them saved, so the next time they start up our text editor the
preferences are set the same as they were at last use.

We decide to use YAML to store our users preferences. Lets say for
example that the preferences are stored in a hash:

@preferences = {"word-wrapping" => true, "font-size" => 20, "font" => "Arial"}

To save that using YAML we have to use:

require 'yaml'

Open a file for writing (YAML files end in .yml or .yaml):

output ='prefs.yml', 'w')

Use the YAML.dump method to get the text that will be outputted:

output.puts YAML.dump(@preferences)

Full source:

require 'yaml'
@preferences = {"word-wrapping" => true, "font-size" => 20, "font" => "Arial"}

output ='prefs.yml', 'w')
output.puts YAML.dump(@preferences)

And that is how easy it is to store data!

We read back a file in a similar way, using the YAML.load method:

require 'yaml'

output ='prefs.yml', 'r')
@preferences = YAML.load(

Don’t think you’re limited to simple data like hashes and arrays, you
can store objects too!

It has been my experience that it is usually best to store data in
hashes, because they automatically have a label, unlike an array. You
can do whatever you want to, but that is my recommendation.

Now comes the sad time when we have to close the episode.

Please don’t forget to donate, a few dollars can go a long way.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do not
hesitate to leave a comment below or email me at

Thank for watching!


Programming With Ruby Episode 13, Basic I/O

Covered in this Episode:

  • Defining I/O
  • Files
  • Directories


Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 13, Basic
input output. As always, I’m Tyler and this video is brought to you by

In this episode I will be defining what exactly input/output is, You
will also learn how to work with files and directories in Ruby

Lets get started!

Defining I/O

So what exactly is I/O or input/output. Basically Input is any data that
you receive from the user, and output is what data you give to the
user, usually based on what input the user gave you.

In this episode you will be seeing I/O as working with files and
directories. You have already worked with I/O previously when we
talked about getting strings from the user (gets) and printing string
to the screen (puts)


There are a couple of ways to start working with files. The first is
by using

my_file ='file', 'r')
my_file.close opens the file (the first parameter), for the specified mode
(the second parameter)

The file name you use can be either just the relative file name
(notes.txt) or the full path to the file (C:\Documents and
Settings\Tyler\My Documents\notes.txt). Just remember that if you use
only the file name, that file must be in the same folder your program
is located in!

The mode defines how you are going to use the file you’ve opened. In
the example ‘r’ is used. Which stands for read, meaning we are only
going to read from the file.

‘w’ is write meaning we are writing to the file specified, be careful
when using write mode, as the whole file is cleared when it is opened.

‘a’ is append, which is similar to write, except instead of clearing
the whole file, it appends all written data to the end.

All the different modes can have ‘+’ at the end of them, which opens
up both read and write functionality. (ex: ‘w+’)

Now you know how to open a file, how exactly do yo go about writing to
it? By simply using puts and print, like you did when outputting data
to the screen, except they output data to the file!

my_file ='example.txt', 'w')
my_file.puts "Hello World!"

If you want to read from a file you can use

my_file ='example.txt', 'r')

You can also pass in how many characters you want to read as a parameter.

If you would rather have the lines of a file in an array, you can use

If you are unsure a file exists you can simply use File.exists?:


Now it is important to note that every time I am done using a file I
call the .close method, why do I do this? Because if you don’t close
your access on the file, it can become unusable by other
programs. Also, your computers operating system might not write the
changes you’ve made to the file, until your program has released its
hold on it.

As an alternative to using file.close every single time, we can use, instead of lets us use the file in a
code block, at the end of the code block, the file is closed
automatically.'hello.txt', 'w') do |file|
    file.puts "Hello World!"

There is a whole lot more you can do with files in Ruby to learn more
go to and find the File and IO class


You can work with directories (also known as folders) in Ruby using
Dir. You can create directories with Dir.mkdir:


You can get an array of all the files and directories that are in the
current directory with Dir.entries:


Keep in mind that . is your current directory, and .. is the directory
one level above the current one. Also, like files you can specify the
relative path or the full path.

There is also another method similar to Dir.entries, Dir.foreach. They
are essentially the same, except foreach allows you to iterate over
each item in a code block.

Dir.foreach('.') do |entry|
    puts entry

Like Files, there is a lot of material I couldn’t cover to learn more
go to and find the Dir class

This brings us to the end of the episode.

If you like these videos please donate.

And if you have any Questions, Comments or Suggestions, you can leave
a comment in the comment box below, or email me at

Thank you very much for watching, goodbye.

Programming With Ruby Episode 12, Documentation

Covered In This Episode:

  • Comments
  • RDoc


Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 12,
Documentation. I’m Tyler and this video is brought to you by

In this episode I will be talking about documenting your code, more
specifically with comments, and using the tool rdoc.

This should be a short show, so lets get started!


You’ve seen comments throughout these video tutorials. They were the
lines with the hash mark that are ignored by Ruby.

Comments are generally used to explain code to other developers
(including yourself). Ruby already makes code very easy to understand
in the first place. You can also help this by naming your methods and
variables sensibly. But there are times when this is not enough.

Sometimes you end up doing something very complicated, such as a long
regular expression, some SQL magic, or any other possibly difficult to
understand piece of code. Those can be times when comments are needed.

Comments are also needed for when you are making code for other
developers to use. When they are using your code and not developing it
along with you, they can care less about finding how it works. They
just want a comment that can tell them what your class/method/piece of
code/whatever does, and how to make it do it.

Tools like rdoc can help you make your code’s documentation even
better, and that is what we are going to talk about next.


Rdoc should be installed already from when you installed ruby. If not
you can install it via rubygems or your platforms package manager.

Rdoc is a tool that generates very nice looking documentation for your

First just run the command rdoc in a directory with code files in it.

rdoc will create a folder named “doc” and your documentation will be
that folder. If you go into doc and open up index.html in your
browser, you will see the generated documentation.

You will probably notice that rdoc didn’t pick up any of the comments
inside your code, only those right above the definitions of classes,
methods, or modules.

You may also notice that the descriptions might not be formatted very
well. You can spice it up by using rdoc markup found at:

I’m not going to go too much farther into rdoc, as it is not an
essential tool for development. It can be, however, very useful. So
please take some time to learn more about it!

This brings us to the end of the show.

Please don’t forget to donate!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions you can leave them
in the comment box below or email me at

Thank you very much for watching, goodbye!