Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby, Feedback. I'm
Tyler, and this video is brought to you by
In this video I'm going to be going over what needs to happen for me
to produce the next series of video tutorials.
All links I mention will be in the video description
First things first, if you head on over to
You can vote on what the next video series will be.
So if you vote I will know what YOU want, now you need to know what I
want for the next series to happen.
I've had well over 1,000 unique viewers of this video series, so I
need you viewers to donate a total of $1000 before I make the next
series. This may seem like a high amount, but if only 200 people
donate $5, that is a thousand dollars.
Now, what if you don't have the money to donate? I will be making a
post on named Ruby Video Tutorial Feedback, if 1000
people leave feedback (i.e. What they liked, what they didn't like).
So whatever comes first, 1000 comments or $1000 will cause me to start
the next video series.
For updates on how close we are to each goal, I will be on twitter at
the account tylerjchurch and with the tag #manwithcode.
Now what if you can't donate money, and you can't write me feedback?
Then there is something else you can do!
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or you can just Tell a friend
And hopefully one of those people who come along will donate or leave
So don't forget to donate, leave feedback, or submit the provided link
to social media!
Thanks for watching, bye!