Man With Code 👨‍💻

In which I occasionally teach you things.

Programming With Ruby Episode 18, Out Into The World

Series: Ruby Programming

Covered In This Episode: Transcript: Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 18, Out Into The World. I'm Tyler and this video is brought to you by In this episode I will be telling you where to go from here, now that you know the basics of Ruby. I'll show you some books, some common libraries. And I'll go over a few more things. Where to go from here Now that this series is almost done, you may be wondering what you should do. First, I recommend you start writing your own programs. Find something you would like to write and just try writing it. You may also want to read a few other resources like books and online tutorials about Ruby for things I didn't cover and to reinforce what you have learned. For books I would recommend: If you are trying to make something, but can't do it with Ruby alone, here are some libraries in a few common areas. I won't be providing links, but a quick Google search will find them for you. Web Development Game Development Testing Images GUI Toolkits If you need a library for something I didn't cover, you can check Ruby's documentation at, you can try and find a project by searching at and If all else fails, just Google it. This is actually the end of the episode, but though this video is purported as the end of the series, there is going to be at least one more video, so stay tuned. If you've liked this series, please donate! If you have and questions, comments, or suggestions about this series or Man With Code, you can leave a comment on this page or email me at [email protected] Thanks for watching, goodbye!