Man With Code 👨‍💻

In which I occasionally teach you things.

Programming With Ruby Episode 3, Getting Help/Tools

Series: Ruby Programming

Covered in this episode: Links: Ruby-Lang: Ruby-Doc: Forums: Text Editors: Notepad++ SciTE jEdit Text Mate IDEs Netbeans Aptana Rad Rails FreeRIDE Geany More... Transcript Hello Everybody! And Welcome to Programming with Ruby Episode 3, Getting Help and Tools. I'm your presenter, Tyler. This video is brought to you by Covered in this Episode. I'll be going over how to get help. If you ever get stuck while using Ruby you're first stop should be Google, to some this may sound obvious, but some people still don't use Google. Your next stop would be Ruby's Documentation. Then I will be showing you forums and mailing lists where you can ask for help or help others. Also I will be showing you some blogs by Ruby Developers. On the tools side, I will be showing you some good Text Editors, and a few IDEs (or Integrated Development Environments). Just as a side note, I will be showing many websites today, but don't worry, all links are in the description Lets Get Started! Out first stop will be Google. Lets say I wanted to learn about Ruby Lambdas just type in "ruby lamdas" and you get a list of relavant web pages. I'll pick the first link, and here is some information on how to use lambdas. If Google can't help you, lets look at the official Ruby Documentation. This is It has some articles and tutorials on Ruby. But what we are interested in is the part that says "Core API" we are using the 1.8 version of Ruby, so we will visit the 1.8.6 core link and here is the documentation for Ruby! lets say I wanted to look for lambdas again, I'll hit CTRL-F for the browsers find funtion, and type in "lambda" and here is the information I want, I'll click the link, and there is the documentation! Okay lets say that a Google search and a look through the documentation doesn't help you with your problem. What do you do? You ask a person, of course! This is where the forums come in. There are two forums that I like, there is And both of which you can post on and will hopefully get answers For general tips and news about Ruby, you may be interested in some blogs about Ruby. To find some, lets go to click on the community link. scroll down, and click the "weblogs about ruby" link and here there are some blogs, and aggregators listed So hopefully if you have a problem all these resources should be able to help you. Now we are going to move onto tools. First stop Text Editors. There are a few good text editors available, so I will just highlight a few. If any of these look interesting, remember that all links are in the description. First is Windows only text editor notepad++, the editor I use on Windows Then is SciTE, a scintilla based editor Jedit is a popular text editor that is written in Java Text mate is a very popular text editor for the Macintosh that costs $55 For Linux there are editors like gEdit and Kate which have some of the features of the editors mentioned above. Even if you like your featureless plain text editor like notepad, features the previously mentioned editors have make writing code much easier, and I recommend you get one. First we have netbeans, which is my IDE of choice. Even though it was originally for Java, it works very well with Ruby Next is Aptana rad rails, an IDE which many people like, but was too buggy on my computer, it is especially useful if you are using Ruby on Rails freeRIDE is a popular editor for ruby Geany is a GTK based editor for Linux that works with many different languages These are all very good editors, but because you are currently learning I would just recommend a text editor for now, when you start developing larger projects an IDE can be very useful. This brings us to the end of this episode, I hope it helped you. If you need any help, have questions or comments, leave a comment below or contact me at [email protected] Hey! before you go, you may have realized that I am making these videos for free if they have helped you at all please donate. If you viewing this on Youtube there is a donation link to the right in the description box. If you are on my site there is a donation button to the right Thanks for watching! Bye!


urbanczykd on

Why You dont show redcar editor ?? in my opinion it's best editor for Ruby also for Rails

Tyler on

I think because redcar was reaaaaaaalllllyyyy unstable around the time I made this series. I haven't tried it in quite a long time, but hey, if it's improved, I'll take your word for it.

urbanczykd on

try now last version maybe have some few bug's but i use it and i think it's realy good like textmate but for free and in my opinion hundred times better even then gedit + plugins + snippets + all that stuff :) and platform independent :) Best Regards Darek

Tyler on

Excellent! I'll check it out then! Thanks for the tip :)

urbanczykd on

and for mac users :)

Tyler on

Ooo... Very cool!