Man With Code 👨‍💻

In which I occasionally teach you things.

Programming With Ruby Episode 13, Basic I/O

Series: Ruby Programming

Covered in this Episode: Transcript: Hello Everybody and welcome to Programming With Ruby Episode 13, Basic input output. As always, I'm Tyler and this video is brought to you by In this episode I will be defining what exactly input/output is, You will also learn how to work with files and directories in Ruby Lets get started! Defining I/O So what exactly is I/O or input/output. Basically Input is any data that you receive from the user, and output is what data you give to the user, usually based on what input the user gave you. In this episode you will be seeing I/O as working with files and directories. You have already worked with I/O previously when we talked about getting strings from the user (gets) and printing string to the screen (puts) Files There are a couple of ways to start working with files. The first is by using [ruby] my_file ='file', 'r') my_file.close [/ruby] opens the file (the first parameter), for the specified mode (the second parameter) The file name you use can be either just the relative file name (notes.txt) or the full path to the file (C:\Documents and Settings\Tyler\My Documents\notes.txt). Just remember that if you use only the file name, that file must be in the same folder your program is located in! The mode defines how you are going to use the file you've opened. In the example 'r' is used. Which stands for read, meaning we are only going to read from the file. 'w' is write meaning we are writing to the file specified, be careful when using write mode, as the whole file is cleared when it is opened. 'a' is append, which is similar to write, except instead of clearing the whole file, it appends all written data to the end. All the different modes can have '+' at the end of them, which opens up both read and write functionality. (ex: 'w+') Now you know how to open a file, how exactly do yo go about writing to it? By simply using puts and print, like you did when outputting data to the screen, except they output data to the file! [ruby] my_file ='example.txt', 'w') my_file.puts "Hello World!" my_file.close [/ruby] If you want to read from a file you can use [ruby] my_file ='example.txt', 'r') puts my_file.close [/ruby] You can also pass in how many characters you want to read as a parameter. If you would rather have the lines of a file in an array, you can use file.readlines. If you are unsure a file exists you can simply use File.exists?: [ruby] File.exists("notes.txt") [/ruby] Now it is important to note that every time I am done using a file I call the .close method, why do I do this? Because if you don't close your access on the file, it can become unusable by other programs. Also, your computers operating system might not write the changes you've made to the file, until your program has released its hold on it. As an alternative to using file.close every single time, we can use, instead of lets us use the file in a code block, at the end of the code block, the file is closed automatically. [ruby]'hello.txt', 'w') do |file| file.puts "Hello World!" end [/ruby] There is a whole lot more you can do with files in Ruby to learn more go to and find the File and IO class Directories You can work with directories (also known as folders) in Ruby using Dir. You can create directories with Dir.mkdir: [ruby] Dir.mkdir("Hello") [/ruby] You can get an array of all the files and directories that are in the current directory with Dir.entries: [ruby] Dir.entries('.') [/ruby] Keep in mind that . is your current directory, and .. is the directory one level above the current one. Also, like files you can specify the relative path or the full path. There is also another method similar to Dir.entries, Dir.foreach. They are essentially the same, except foreach allows you to iterate over each item in a code block. [ruby] Dir.foreach('.') do |entry| puts entry end [/ruby] Like Files, there is a lot of material I couldn't cover to learn more go to and find the Dir class This brings us to the end of the episode. If you like these videos please donate. And if you have any Questions, Comments or Suggestions, you can leave a comment in the comment box below, or email me at [email protected] Thank you very much for watching, goodbye.